CCUG 13173 - Vibrio mimicus

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Bangladesh, Dhaka
Source: Human feces, severe watery diarrhoeal disease
Depositor: J.Holmgren, Med.Micro., University, Göteborg, Sweden
Passport: S.C.Sanyal, Dacca, Bangladesh
Deposit Date: 1983-01-11
Other Collections: W-10652
Toxins: Analysis of heat-labile and heat-stable toxins
Literature Reference: FEMS Microbiol Letters 27:17-22,1985
Show Phenotypic Features In ENX

Phenotypic features in ENX

Api API20E: 513 511 115 154 411 111 115
Tests DEC: 551 11111 15 0000000
Tests EX: 050 000 5000
Api ID32E: 511 111 121 145 515 411 111 311 111 115 11 50
Tests MORPH: 1251 5 35315
Tests NACL: 555111 0000 0000
Api OF: 540 51151 531
Tests SUG: 11351 11111 11511 11114 51
Api TSI: 111 111 11

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