CCUG 14542 - Vibrio cholerae

Strain Details

Depositor: T.Hirst, Univ.of Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden
Passport: T.Hirst, York, UK
Deposit Date: 1983-11-01
Variant: Derivative of El Tor
Other Collections: TRH 7000;JBK70deriv;
ID Method: CCUG<Selected phenotypic tests, Api 20E, Api ID32e, 16S and dnaJ rRNA gene seq
Conditions Remarks: Blood and marine agar, aerobic, 30°C
Remarks: Atypical appearence, very tiny growth
Cultivate on both blood and marine agar for best result
Show Phenotypic Features In ENX

Phenotypic features in ENX

Api API20E: 511 111 115 411 111 111 115
Tests DEC: 000 01000 00 0000000
Tests EX: 050 000 1003
Api ID32E: 511 111 152 111 515 111 131 111 111 111 11 50
Tests MORPH: 1211 5 52215
Tests NACL: 355211 0000 0000
Api OF: 000 00500 000
Tests SUG: 00100 00400 00000 00000 00

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