CCUG 15788 - Klebsiella oxytoca

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Sweden, Göteborg
Source: Metal-working fluid
Depositor: M.Sandin, Univ.of Göteborg, Göteborg, Sweden
Deposit Date: 1984-01-01
Other Collections: D1a
ID Method: CCUG<Traditional phenotyping, Api 20E, Api ID32E, CFA(FAME)|C.Welinder-E.Kjellin<16S rRNA seq
Conditions Remarks: Nutrient agar, aerobic, 30-37°C
Resistance Features: Nickel resistance[6361]
Taxonomy Remarks: May represent a novel species of Klebsiella ?
Remarks: Atypical characteristics in MR+, VP-, Urea-(CDC, Atlanta, USA)
Literature Reference: BioMetals 8:70-79,1995|Appl and Env.Microbiol 55:2681-2689,1989
Show Phenotypic Features In ENX

Phenotypic features in ENX

Api API20E: 411 111 114 115 555 555 551
Tests DEC: 411 55555 15 0000000
Api ID32E: 115 155 515 555 515 555 535 555 551 552 13 10
Tests MORPH: 1203 1 35551
Api OF: 511 55555 511
Tests SUG: 35511 55551 15555 55551 55
Api TSI: 551 515 15

Show Fatty Acid Data

Fatty Acid Profile

Date: 040824
Remarks: Blood agar,30°C
PEAK: RT: ECLs: %: Abbreviation: Fatty Acid:
012 3.830 10.915 0.5 12:0 ALDE ?
021 4.814 12.000 3.4 12:0
046 7.353 14.000 7.4 14:0
056 8.133 14.503 0.8 unknown 14.503
067 8.903 15.000 0.6 15:0
074 9.716 15.485 6.3 14:0 3OH/16:1 ISO I 15:0 DMA
082 10.276 15.819 24.0 16:1 w7c
086 10.580 16.000 30.7 16:0
108 12.122 16.888 9.5 17:0 CYCLO
111 12.317 17.000 0.5 17:0
127 13.772 17.824 15.1 18:1 w7c /12t/9t
131 14.083 18.000 0.3 18:0
151 15.659 18.900 0.5 19:0 CYCLO w8c
UD1 13.934 0.3 Unidentified Data useless for calculation
Total: 100.0

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