CCUG 16497 - Bisgaard Taxon 13

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Denmark, LangÄ
Source: Calf lung
Depositor: M.Bisgaard, LangÄ, Denmark
Deposit Date: 1984-09-21
Other Collections: Bisgaard K 117;HIM 844-2
Taxonomy Remarks: According to polyamine patterns (Busse, Vienna), closely related to Pasteurella canis
Remarks: ENZ:ORN negative
Very strange morphology
Show Phenotypic Features In HAX

Phenotypic features in HAX

Tests OX: 1150
Tests Api_NH: 1 551 111 351 111
Tests PHYS: 455 5415 110 4 11321 10000
Tests NIT: 1 531 11 111 112
Tests ZYM: 15331 51111 55111 51111

Show Phenotypic Features In MOX

Phenotypic features in MOX

Tests OX: 1310 0000 0 000

Show Fatty Acid Data

Fatty Acid Profile

Date: 960222
Remarks: Chocolate agar,CO2
PEAK: RT: ECLs: %: Abbreviation: Fatty Acid:
012 3.830 10.915 1.0 12:0 ALDE ?
021 4.814 12.000 0.4 12:0
042 7.097 13.814 0.3 13:0 ISO 2OH
046 7.353 14.000 17.3 14:0
056 8.133 14.503 0.4 unknown 14.503
074 9.716 15.485 9.4 14:0 3OH/16:1 ISO I 15:0 DMA
082 10.276 15.819 32.0 16:1 w7c
086 10.580 16.000 22.7 16:0
125 13.596 17.724 10.1 18:2 w6,9c/18:0 ANTE
126 13.675 17.769 2.9 18:1 w9c
131 14.083 18.000 2.6 18:0
157 16.521 19.395 0.3 20:4 w6,9,12,15c
UD1 13.243 0.3 Unidentified Data useless for calculation
UD2 13.935 0.4 Unidentified Data useless for calculation
Total: 100.0

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