CCUG 21963 - Lactiplantibacillus plantarum

Strain Details

Source: Cheese
Depositor: B.Pot, LMG, Gent, Belgium
Passport: Unilever
Deposit Date: 1988-02-08
Other Collections: NIZO ZgV1?;DSM 20192?;LMG 7940 1
ID Method: CCUG<Api50CHL
Name Change: Received as Leuconostoc lactis, colony type 1.Found to be a contaminant of DSM 20192 and discarded from the LMG
Remarks: Gram+ rod, rather long rods
Show Phenotypic Features In LAX

Phenotypic features in LAX

Api RID32S: 151 111 111 151 412 151 511 311 111 311 11 3

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