CCUG 25238 - Mycobacterium mucogenicum

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Sweden, Göteborg
Source: Human blood, 63-yr-old patient
Depositor: Blood Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden
Deposit Date: 1989-09-20
ID Method: CCUG<Classical phenotyping, Api Coryne, Api Zym, CFA(FAME), 16S rRNA seq
Name Change: Reported as 'Fatty acid profile compatible with coryneform CDC Group or with Mycobacterium mucogenicum
Remarks: RNASQ:100% sim to ATCC 49650
Show Phenotypic Features In COX

Phenotypic features in COX

Tests CAT: 10 214 42 431 1522 155
Api CORYNE: 111 111 113 111 111 101 111
Tests FERM: 111 111111 1 1111 0000000
Tests OLE: 1411 11 1111 111 215 211 111
Api ZYM: 13451 51131 55131 25111

Show Fatty Acid Data

Fatty Acid Profile

Date: 891019 09:23:30
PEAK: RT: ECLs: %: Abbreviation: Fatty Acid:
007 3.185 10.000 .7 10:0
019 4.626 11.798 1.4 unknown 11.798
021 4.814 12.000 1.9 12:0
041 7.030 13.766 0.9 unknown 13.766
046 7.353 14.000 4.6 14:0
067 8.903 15.000 1.4 15:0
080 10.172 15.757 .8 16:1 w11c
082 10.276 15.819 5.1 16:1 w7c
083 10.328 15.850 9.8 16:1 w7c/15:0 ISO 2OH 16:1 w6c
086 10.580 16.000 22.6 16:0
093 11.303 16.416 2.0 17:1 w9c ISO
106 12.001 16.818 12.8 17:1 w7c 18:0 alcohol
125 13.596 17.724 3.2 18:2 w6,9c/18:0 ANTE
126 13.675 17.769 30.7 18:1 w9c
131 14.083 18.000 1.2 18:0
139 14.769 18.392 1.0 TBSA 10Me18:0
Total: 99.2

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