CCUG 28089T - Lachnoanaerobaculum saburreum comb nov

Strain Details

Source: Human dental plaque
Depositor: D.Claus, DSM, Braunschweig, Germany
Passport: ATCC, Rockville, USA
L.V.Holdeman, VPI, Virginia, USA
J.M.Hardie, T2
Deposit Date: 1991-02-25
Other Collections: DSM 3986;VPI 11763;ATCC 33271;Hardie T2;CIP 105341;JCM 11021;
ID Method: CCUG<Api rapidID32an, CFA(FAME)
Conditions Remarks: Blood agar, anaerobic, 37°C
Name Change: Formerly Eubacterium saburreum
RNA Sequence: gb AB525414
Taxonomy Remarks: Belongs to Lachnospiraceae, not to Eubacterium
Literature Reference: IJSB.30:298,1980;Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 62:2685-,2012
Show Phenotypic Features In ANX

Phenotypic features in ANX

Tests OX: 1110 3512111 000
Tests GROW: 40 10 000 0 0
Tests VFA: 3113 1111 1211 1112 00
Api API32AN: 514 515 511 111 151 111 115 111 131 111 00

Show Phenotypic Features In LAX

Phenotypic features in LAX

Tests CAT: 1035 0000 0000 00 0000 00 000000 00 000000000 0 000 00000
Api CORYNE: 114 155 315 311 111 111 111
Api ID32AN: 514 515 511 111 151 111 115 111 131 111
Api RID32S: 145 451 111 111 115 411 211 111 111 111 15 1

Show Fatty Acid Data

Fatty Acid Profile

Date: 961118
Remarks: Blood agar,37°C,anaerobic
PEAK: RT: ECLs: %: Abbreviation: Fatty Acid:
029 5.894 12.931 1.3 13:1 at 12-13 14:0 aldehyde
046 7.353 14.000 21.6 14:0
055 8.080 14.469 3.1 13:0 3OH/15:1 i I/H 14:0 DMA
059 8.316 14.621 0.7 15:0 ISO
062 8.581 14.792 1.2 15:1 w8c
065 8.824 14.949 1.5 16:0 aldehyde
086 10.580 16.000 25.9 16:0
090 11.000 16.242 1.1 16:1 w9c DMA
091 11.080 16.288 3.0 16:1 w7c DMA
096 11.415 16.481 6.8 17:1 ISO I/16:0 DMA
103 11.890 16.754 1.0 unknown 16.754
104 11.923 16.773 .8 17:1 w9c
105 11.956 16.792 1.9 17:1 w8c
125 13.596 17.724 2.7 18:2 w6,9c/18:0 ANTE
126 13.675 17.769 2.0 18:1 w9c
127 13.772 17.824 0.9 18:1 w7c /12t/9t
131 14.083 18.000 0.9 18:0
134 14.393 18.177 2.3 unknown 18.177 18:2 DMA
136 14.479 18.226 3.5 18:1 w9c DMA
138 14.577 18.282 7.5 18:1 w7c DMA
150 15.606 18.870 2.0 19:0 CYCLO w9c
155 16.390 19.320 1.7 unknown 19.320 19:0 CYC w8c DMA
156 16.474 19.368 4.8 19:0 10 methyl
UD6 17.883 1.9 Unidentified Data useless for calculation
Total: 100.0

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