CCUG 29422 - Escherichia coli

Strain Details

Depositor: P.Ulleryd, PHL, Göteborg, Sweden
Passport: A.Brauner, SMCL, Stockholm, Sweden, 1991
Deposit Date: 1991-11-21
Other Collections: LG 1522;LG1522;Neilands LG1522;
Toxins: Aerobactin required
Literature Reference: J of Infect 16:147-152,1988|Infection and Immunity 59:3185,1991
Show Phenotypic Features In ENX

Phenotypic features in ENX

Api ID32E: 115 115 515 115 514 511 115 551 112 111 11 10
Tests MORPH: 1211 1 34511

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