CCUG 33999 - Actinomyces viscosus

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Sweden, Göteborg
Source: Human bucca
Depositor: K.-J.Hammarström, Göteborg, Sweden
Deposit Date: 1995-02-23
Other Collections: Hammarström B5L
ID Method: CCUG<Phenotyping, SDS-PAGE
Remarks: Ribotype ?? , PRP ?, GalNAcß +|SDS-PAGE clearly allocates the strain to Actinomyces viscosus
Show Phenotypic Features In LAX

Phenotypic features in LAX

Tests CAT: 4054 1123 0300 00 0000 00 000000 00 000000000 0 000 00000
Api CORYNE: 551 215 113 111 541 151 514
Api RID32S: 112 111 211 121 155 111 111 511 511 211 11 3

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