CCUG 36599 - Shewanella putrefaciens

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Sweden, Lake Tranebärs
Source: Water
Depositor: K.Pedersen, Inst.f.Gen.Microbiol., Göteborg, Sweden
Deposit Date: 1996-08-15
ID Method: CCUG<Api 20NE, CFA(FAME)|Depositor<16S rRNA seq
RNA Sequence: AY321590
Isolator: Isolated by anaerobic enrichment with lactate and Fe-III
Conditions Remarks: Nutrient agar, aerobic, 30°C
Metabolism: Has a distinct CFA(FAME) profile
Remarks: NAMCH:Formerly listed as Shewanella putrefaciens 'biovar Pedersen'
Show Phenotypic Features In NFX

Phenotypic features in NFX

Tests OX: 551 241321 5140 00
Tests OF: 00000 000000
Tests DEC: 000 000 000
Tests ESC: 000 0000 0000
Tests ASSIM: 0000 0000 0000 0000 00
Api API20NE: 511 111 511 111 515 115 115
Api ZYM: 00000 00000 00000 00000

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