CCUG 43530 - Granulicatella adiacens

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Sweden, Göteborg
Source: Human cornea
Depositor: Gen.Diagn.Dept., PHL, Göteborg, Sweden
Deposit Date: 2000-04-17
Other Collections: 962*00150/00;969*00039/00;
ID Method: CCUG<Api rapidID32strep, Api Coryne, SDS-PAGE-GelCompar pending
Taxonomy Remarks: Routine identification to be checked with protein profiling
Show Phenotypic Features In LAX

Phenotypic features in LAX

Tests CAT: 1052 1121 0110 40 0000 00 000000 00 000000000 0 000 00000
Api CORYNE: 135 311 111 111 511 151 515
Api RID32S: 111 111 111 111 151 413 111 311 211 121 11 1

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