CCUG 47386 - Brachyspira hyodysenteriae

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Germany, Northwestern Germany
Source: Swine dysentery
Depositor: M.Karlsson, SVA, Uppsala, Sweden
Passport: Judith Rohde, Hannover, Germany
Deposit Date: 2003-02-12
Other Collections: 84193-2x/99
ID Method: CCUG<still in the lab
Conditions Remarks: Fastidious anaerobe agar (FAA), anaerobic, 37-41°C, 3 days, exposure to oxygen should not exceed 30-60 minutes
Metabolism: Indole-negative
Remarks: Horse blood Columbia agar, anaerobic, 37°C, 3d
Gram-negative long spirillum
Literature Reference: J Clin Microbiol 41:2596-2604,2003

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