CCUG 48558T - Paraburkholderia phenoliruptrix

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Canada, Vancouver
Source: Chemostat grown with 2, 4, 5-trichlorophenoxyacetic
Depositor: C.Vereecke, LMG, Gent, Belgium
Passport: 2003, T.Coenye, Gent, Belgium
1999, D.Henry, Vancouver, Canada
Deposit Date: 2003-12-10
Other Collections: Henry FC653;CIP 108591;LMG 22037;Coenye R-10093;AC1100;DSM 17773;
ID Method: CCUG<Traditional phenotyping, Api 20NE, Api Zym, CFA(FAME)
Conditions Remarks: Nutrient agar, aerobic, 30°C
Name Change: Previously the type strain of Burkholderia phenoliruptrix
Literature Reference: System Appl Microbiol 27:623-627,2004
Show Phenotypic Features In NFX

Phenotypic features in NFX

Tests OX: 035 211331 3431 11
Tests OF: 31311 111311
Tests DEC: 113 111 301
Tests ESC: 151 1111 1111
Tests ASSIM: 3141 3333 1331 3331 33
Api API20NE: 111 111 155 455 514 115 553
Api ZYM: 14321 51111 33111 11111

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