CCUG 49065 - Streptococcus novel species

Strain Details

Sample Origin: UK, Scotland, Inverness
Source: Porpoise lung, (Phocoena phocoena)
Depositor: G.Foster, SAC, Inverness, Scotland, UK
Deposit Date: 2004-04-26
Variant: Does not agglutinate in Lancefield groups A, B, C, D, F, G
Other Collections: SAC M80/01/1
ID Method: CCUG<Api rapidID32strep, Api rapidID32an, Api Zym, 16SrRNA gene seq
Conditions Remarks: Chocolate agar, CO2, 37°C
Isolator: Isolated by G.Foster
Taxonomy Remarks: Previously listed Str.marimammalium
Remarks: Two colony types, white and grey with same Api rapidID32strep profile
Show Phenotypic Features In LAX

Phenotypic features in LAX

Tests CAT: 1053 0001 0300 50 0000 00 000000 00 000000000 0 000 00000
Api ID32AN: 111 511 111 511 115 522 552 452 111 515
Api RID32S: 315 113 111 511 553 112 111 111 111 111 11 1

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