CCUG 6005 - Klebsiella ornithinolytica

Strain Details

Depositor: PHLS, Göteborg, Sweden
Passport: Örskov, SSI, Copenhagen, Denmark
Deposit Date: 1977-03-01
Variant: O1:K32 (depositor)
Other Collections: Unnamed
ID Method: CCUG<Api ID32E
Conditions Remarks: Blood agar, aerobic, 30°C
Name Change: Received as Klebsiella pneumoniae
Remarks: Information to be retrieved, if possible
Show Phenotypic Features In ENX

Phenotypic features in ENX

Api ID32E: 115 515 511 555 515 555 515 555 555 551 55 10
Tests MORPH: 1211 1 25541

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