CCUG 63063T - Caaballeroni choica

Strain Details

Sample Origin: Netherlands
Source: Rhizosphere soil
Depositor: Vandamme P, LMG, Ghent, Belgium
Passport: Salles, Joana
Deposit Date: 2012-08-23
Other Collections: R-23315;LMG 22940
ID Method: CCUG<16S rRNA gene partial seq
Conditions Remarks: TGE agar, aerobic, 30°C, >3 days
RNA Sequence: AY949196
Name Change: Previously type strain of Burkholderia choica
Remarks: G-rod, catalase (weak) and oxidase pos
Literature Reference: Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 63:4707-4718,2013

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